Bettyhill Walk

Return Distance of 2.6 Miles, Total Ascent 494ft

Hail to the mountains with summits of blue,
To the glens with their meadows of sunshine and dew;
To the women and men ever constant and true,
Ever ready to welcome you home.

OS Grid Reference: NC 711 621


From the car-park at the bottom of the hill, there are signs that lead you on well-maintained foot-paths to Farr Beach. Walk along the whole length of the beach and climb up the grassy slope at the end. Turn left and follow the coastline to Glaisgeo, a promontory above a stony shore where your way will be blocked by a wall. Follow the wall back and go through the gate which will enable you to climb the hill. From here you will be rewarded with fantastic views of the arches, cliffs and islands to the west. Turn and find the pathway that runs due south. Close to where you climbed up from the beach, turn left and go through a gate that will take you on to a wider track that leads a well-built wall with a kissing gate at its corner. Go through here and you will be at the driveway to the Farr Bay Inn. From here go onto the main road, past the café and the museum. Any or all of these establishments is worth a visit in its own right. Follow the road back to your car.